Minggu, 03 Juli 2011


The Internet is a network of computers connected internationally and spread all over the world. This network includes millions of computers connected to each other by utilizing the telephone network (either wired or electromagnetic waves.) Network millions of computers allows a variety of applications between computers in a network implemented with the support of Internet software and hardware required. To join this network, one party (in this case the provider) must have the application programs and data banks which provide information and data that can be accessed by others who joined in the internet.

someone who has been incorporated in this network will have its own address (like a phone number) who can be contacted through the Internet. Provider that is the server for those who have personal computers (PCs) to become customers or to access the Internet.

In line with the times, advances in Internet technology also progressing. The Internet is a network of computers that can connect a computer or computer network with another computer network, so that they can communicate or share data regardless of the computer itself.

In 1999, the number of computers that have been associated with the Internet around the world reaching more than 40 million and this number is growing every day. Currently the number of web sites to reach millions, maybe even trillions, it contains a variety of topics. Of course, the sites were a source of information both positive or negative. Said to be positive when the information is useful for research. Below are described the effects of positive and negative impacts of using the Internet for students 

The facilities in the Internet are: E-mail (electronic mail), Bulletin Board System (BBS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Information Browsing (gopher), Remote Login (Telnet), Advanced Browsing (www), Automated Title search (archie, veronica), Automated content search, and audio and visual communication.

The existence of the internet gives a positive impact for all the community of Internet users, including teenagers. There, they can quickly obtain information, could find using google to search for information or in any other way. But most teenagers use the Internet to find friends, chat, send e-mail and search tasks college or school assignment. Among teens today are more prevalent-proliferation is myspace, facebook, twitter, Flikr. They make friends through social networking services (facebokk, etc.) and can also send a photo or send-forth.

Internet not only to seek information only, but can be used as sales of goods and services. Sales via the internet is called E-Commerce (electronic commerce). The emergence of this term along with the development of the discipline of computer science and the Internet. E-com can be interpreted as the exchange of goods, services, and or information through electronic medium in exchange for the money payment is made by using a credit card. The range of this business over the internet from ordering flowers for a loved one, sell books, magazine subscriptions, to pay millions of rupiahs for the purchase of processor chips that will be used for computers.

The first step should be done by the entrepreneur is to make the "homepage" that will serve as a shop on the internet. Through this homepage that he is able to disseminate information about the company, products, and services on offer. Benefits of E-com itself is able to reduce fixed expenses, because companies can save on the number of employees, thus also expenditures for salaries and physical infrastructure. And conversely, for E-com offers consumers greater convenience and more choices of goods and services to be purchased dengaan better prices.

In addition to positive impacts, the Internet can also be a negative impact on society, especially teenagers. For example teenagers open porn sites on the Internet. It is one of the deviant behavior of teens conducted. There they could view the pornographic images, scenes that could shake the faith of man, and it can all undermine the morale of the teenagers who are the future generation.

Moreover, the adverse effects arising from the internet is a wide range of crimes. Among them is the stealing money in the bank through the internet, and usually people who are experts in the field was called Hacker. Crime is difficult to be detected because they use their own tactics and code-specific code in the execution of their mission. And it all can not be known to other parties. Bank burglary can be detrimental to the country because of the amount which obtains not only millions of rupiahs, but trillyun rupiahs. Examples of other crimes is a fraud lottery. And many more crimes committed via the Internet.

From the statement above can be concluded that the Internet helps a lot people in running their daily activities. Internet could be positive and negative also depends on how we use it. Most of us know in the social network .. Yahoo Messenger, Friendster, Tagged .. Facebook to blog, etc. .. we just try try though not miss my reasons for the development of technology and you might just like this. But over time without any dependence we realize such a very difficult once ignored. Currently I will convey only negative impact Based on the experience of who I was experiencing, and of course also from various sources who can help me explain this problem and how to take appropriate action to redirect to the appropriate reply function.

Previously here we need a clear and practical understanding of the dependence of the unhealthy use of this internet. Or often referred to addiction in the cyber world. That is an addicted brain damage caused by the Internet, due to opium last we will have permanent damage in the brain or also called: Visual Crack Cocain / Erototoksin which until now has not found a cure. According to my experience as an entrepreneur internet cafe, there are some behaviors of students that can be categorized according to their purposes against the Internet in general

Students who are just doing coursework, re-list and look for information - information on scholarships, as well as the latest news, they generally only use the internet spend about 2-3 hours a day. Students and student work on coursework, etc., and perform communication using the communication media (chat) YM, facebook, blogs, etc. using the internet generally spend about 2-4 hours a day. Students and students who only play games online, facebook, etc. generally spend about 10-24 hours a day, although it spends all her time with no school and college. Students and students who like to gather information technology, Japanese manga and watch the latest anime, they generally spend about 1-4 hours a day. Students and students who access pornographic sites, they generally spend no longer than 1 hour a day.

Internet as a communication media, is a function of the Internet's most widely used where any Internet user can communicate with other users from around the world. Media data exchange, using email, newsgroups, ftp and www (world wide web network web sites) of Internet users worldwide can exchange information quickly and cheaply. Media to seek information or data, the rapid development of Internet, making the www as a source of important and accurate information. Ease of obtaining information on the internet so people know what happened. Can be used as a land information for education, culture, and others. Ease of transacting and doing business in the fields of trade, so no need to go to the place bid / sales.

Fraud. It is indeed rampant in any field. Internet was not spared from attack fraudsters. The best way is to ignore it or confirm the information you find on the provider of such information. Carding. Because of its real time (instantly), how to shop using credit cards is the most widely used in the internet world. Internet criminals even the most committed crimes in this field. With the open nature, the criminals were able to detect the existence of transactions (using credit card) on-line and record the code card is used. To further their use of the data they receive for the benefit of their crimes. Gambling. Another effect is the expansion of gambling. With the available networks, the gamblers do not need to go to a special place to fulfill his wish. You only need to avoid sites like this, because the gambling sites are generally not aggressive and require a lot of approval from the visitors.Cyber-relational addiction is the excessive involvement in the relationship over the internet (such as through chat rooms and virtual affairs) to lose contact with the relationships that exist in the real world. Net gaming is kind of addictive game play online, shopping and trading activities through the Internet that interferes with work or result in debt. Information overload. Since finding the information that is not inexhaustible available on the internet, some people are willing to spend hours collecting and organizing information.

Based on several points of behavior and its effects, especially if it is within the family environment, schools and offices are expected to use the Internet can be more sensible, although not all individuals can do. Therefore, as a background in IT is our duty to make all these negative effects is reduced, especially in the household environment, schools and offices. As for some things you can do to minimize these impacts, by:

For households who usually use a dial-up internet connection or even use a wireless provider, it can be done using the Linux operating system Sabili, so that the Internet was the least of your family can be maintained from pornography, which it is so provoked the willingness of children aged students (Sabili linux -> Islamic version). When a large scale such as schools and offices can use the router and block online games, web-web, facebook game, so the Internet is used only as a place to find information.

So is that I know may be beneficial to all of them, thanks

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